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Monday, May 3, 2010

Blackened Shrimp & Crawfish Fondue

Have you ever eaten that wonderful appetizer at Pappadeaux's called the Blackened Oyster and Shrimp fondue? It is very good and quite expensive. I believe it will set you back at least 14.95 here in Texas. But I have managed to come across a recipe that I promise you is its exact clone. Well minus the scallops. I'm not a real big fan of scallops so I've put my own little spin on it, but I promise you will love this dish and you can indulge yourself as much as you like when you make it at home for yourself. It's really not that hard and you will be glad you took the effort to do so. The ingredients are easily found at your local Walmart Superstore. Even the crawfish can be bought in the seafood section of the store.

If you've had this dish before you know what I'm talking about. Don't forget the garlic bread. OMG!!! Can't you taste it already. For those of you who haven't tried it or seen it, go to Pappadeaux's and order it and after you have tried it come back to this recipe and make it at home. Then come back to this site and tell everyone how wonderful it is and how it's tastes the same as it did when you had it at the restaurant. If it doesn't turn our right, it's probably user I pride myself in the ability to mimick alot of my favorite dishes from the restaurants I eat out at because I can't afford to eat out all the time with a family of six...Just check out the recipe and let me know what you think.

Blackened Shrimp & Crawfish Fondue


• Sauce; (recipe follows)
• 1 package of Shrimp; peeled & deveined
• Blackened Seasonings
• 6 tbs Melted Butter
• 1 cup Baby Spinach
• 2 cups of Baby bella Mushrooms; sliced
• 12 oz Crawfish Tails
• 1 cup Chopped Green Onion
• 8 oz Monteray Jack cheese;
• 4 oz Bacon bits
• Garlic Bread

• 6 tbs Butter
• 4 tbs Flour
• 1 Onion; chopped
• 2 cup Shrimp stock or water
• 1 cup White wine {Menage a trois}
• 1 pinch Cayenne pepper
• 1 tbs Kosher Salt
• 2 cup Heavy Whipping cream


Melt butter in a saucepan; whisk in flour and chopped onion. Cook over medium heat until onion is tender. Slowly stir in stock and wine; whisk until smooth. Add cayenne & salt; simmer 10 minutes. Add cream; simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat & set aside. Season shrimp with blackened seasonings. Melt butter in hot saute pan. Saute shrimp about 2 minutes per side. Add spinach, mushrooms, crawfish tails, bacon bits and green onion. Saute until mushrooms & green onion soften. Fold in sauce, and bring to a simmer. Pour in heatproof dish; top with cheese. Place under a broiler until cheese melts. Use garlic bread pieces as dippers.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely will try this out,starting cook a little more. Hope to check out more recipes to come.
