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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is Sunday May 9, 2010 and I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to spend some quality time with your mother. Throughout the years my family and I have always celebrated Mother's Day. We typically call up the family members and the planning begins. In my family my maternal grandmother is the matriarch and all things begin and end with her. It is very important for her, for all of her children to come together on Mother's day and celebrate. This is known and understood very well by all the members of the family. With that being said my grandmother has a total of five children who have their own individual families as well. So we have a pretty descent gathering of people that come together. So now we have to decide whose house will host the gathering, who's going to cook and what will you bring? What time will we meet and for how long. I'm sure there are many households out there with similar traditions and that is great. It's a wonderful time to honor and give back the much deserved love and appreciation that all mothers out there deserve and probably a lot more. Mothers are truly a precious commodity and we should thank God everyday for our mothers. I could take this moment to talk about how wonderful my mother is and how great my grandmother is but that's something I try to show in the way that I treat and interact with them on a daily basis rather than just saying the words. Yes, saying the words are important too, let's face it, who doesn't like to be praised. Glory to God!!

But at the same time we should understand that Mother's day is really every day. No matter how old we get as their children, we never stop needing our mother. Mother's all over the world have sacrificed so much for their children and in some cases their lives to make sure that the needs of their children are met. That's why Mother's Day is a special celebration and we make a big deal out of it. By now I'm sure you're probably saying get to the point. The point I want to make is this. Mother's day is a wonderful celebration but we should keep in mind that not everyone gets to celebrate with their mother on Mother's day. So I want to speak directly to that individual who's mother that may be deceased, or that individual who never knew their mother. There are some of you out there who were raised by your grandmother, Nana, or Big Mamma, whatever your situation or circumstance, this could be either a happy occasion for you or a harsh reminder that your mother is no longer with you. You might say what gives you the right to speak on such a thing. Please understand that I certainly don't mean any disrespect to anyone out there that has lost their mother or those who are not in contact with their mothers. I only come from my own perspective in this regard.

My wife lost her mother to breast cancer before we were married some many years ago and I never had the opportunity to meet my mother-in-law. I have only had the pleasure of getting to know her vicariously through my wife and my wife's sisters' memories and stories of her. And they paint a picture of a very strong woman, a proud woman, a woman of virtue, and a woman that didn't take any mess off of any body. I can see the product of her fruit in my wife. Even though my wife's mother has passed some time ago, the pain that she feels from her absence is ever present. And on days like Mother's Day that pain is magnified. Early in our marriage I would feel helpless and bewildered and there weren't any words that I could say or thing that I could do to make her feel better or make her pain go away. So recently I sat down with my wife and I questioned her about how she was feeling with Mother's day being right around the corner and she said that she had mixed emotions. So I asked her to explain some of the feelings she has and has had over time and this is some of the things she said to me.

Mona: "Some of the years are harder than others. There are times when I feel resentment towards other people who have their mom around and yet they don't treat their mothers with the proper respect, but more or less disrespect, not realizing the beauty and the blessing of being able to see their mom when they want to, to call their mom up on the phone and ask her for some advice, to give their mom a hug when they are feeling down, to be able to seek the wisdom of their mom when I as a mother myself I need help with my own kids. Having my mother around to go shopping or spend our last little bit of money to share a meal together. Then that resentment turns to anger, especially towards individuals who lack sensitivity because they can't truly grasp and understand the loss of a mother. It's hard sometimes to be happy for people who stand up and proudly go on about the generations and generations of their mothers that are still around. And that's when I start to pray and thank God for the time he gave me with my mom. I am thankful and grateful to God for allowing me the chance at motherhood. I take this time also to visit my mother's grave site and that helps to minimize the pain. I also realize that I am truly blessed to have my own children because I know there are women out there who want kids and can't have them. All these things help to get me through Mother's day. I also want to acknowledge that I'm also grateful to God for my Step-Mom she is a wonderful woman and I love her. No she can't replace my mom, no one can but she is the best step mom that I could have and I am blessed to have her. I also have a wonderful mother-in-law who I love dearly and with a great duo of step mom and mother-in-law I am able to honor and celebrate them on Mother's day. So to all the mothers, mother-in-laws, step-moms, Big Mammas and even mother figures, I say thank you and God Bless you!"


I really don't think there's nothing more that I could add to that. Just to encourage everyone to be mindful of the celebration of Mother's day. Honor your mother's in the right way, you never know when she's going to be called home. So give her the flowers she deserves while she can still smell them. Be thankful for your mother today and every day. Thanks for taking the time to share this personal testimony with me and my wife. And Mona, baby I love you, thank you for opening up your heart and keeping it real. I hope this was able to be a blessing to someone.

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