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About Me

Hello everyone my name is Lee and I wanted to take the opportunity to first say how excited I am to start my new blog. I have never blogged before so this will be a new experience for me. So please be gentle with me as I go through the learning curve process. I hope to make my blog a useful site with great information. I also encourage feedback positive or negative all I ask is that you don’t be rude. I’m the type of guy who will keep it real with you and give my honest opinion on things. I have been married for 10 years and I have 4 boys that range in age from 3 to 14 years of age. I am Texas born and raised, from the city of Dallas. So yes for all you Cowboy haters out there I am definitely a big Cowboy fan lol. I love spending time with family and friends and to be totally honest with you my idea of a good time is having all the family over, cooking a big meal, setting up the board games and the dominoes, with the old school music turned up loud and just having a wonderful fellowship laughing and telling old embarrassing stories of our youthful escapades. You really can’t beat good honest fellowship like that. Which brings me to one of my greatest passions in life and that is cooking. I absolutely love to cook and eat!!! I come from a family that is very close and all of our celebrations are centered around food. I know my passion for food and cooking came from my mother. My mother is an excellent cook still to this day. When I was a young boy I use to stand by her side in the kitchen and just watch her cook and I would just sit in amazement as this feast would come together right before my eyes. Growing up it was only my younger sister and I but yet my mother would cook as if we were a family of six. It was those moments with my mother that I know started the love affair between food and I. I can even remember as a youth watching Martin Yan on the PBS channel for kids. He had a show called the Yan Can cooking show it was a wonderful and entertaining show that only ignited the fire inside me to want to cook. So now that I am an adult I did eventually go to culinary school and I graduated. However, I am not working in someone’s kitchen. Unfortunately, I have to deal with some health issues that at this time limits my ability to endure the type of work schedule and work load that a chef has to put in. So I do what I can at home for family and on occasions I help to cater food for individuals' private parties. I like to refer to myself as the bootleg chef. But even with my health issues I’m not deterred from pursuing my ultimate dream and that’s to one day have my own restaurant. I have collected literally thousands of recipes along the way and I’m still searching recipes each and every day. I love cuisines of all kinds and I try to be diverse in my culinary exploits. Simply speaking I will cook all kinds of food from mexican, asian, soul food, you name it and I will try it. So with this blog I will be sharing a lot of those recipes and I hope that in return you will share your favorites with me. I know I plan to do much more with this blog but at this time it’s a little premature to say because I’m still trying to figure it all out myself. But I hope you will stay with me to see the growth and development and like I said earlier give me some positive feedback on how it can be better, or tell me some of the things you would like to see from my blog. Well that’s about all I have for this introductory blog I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know me thus far and if so please subscribe to my blog. Thanks for reading and have a blessed and wonderful day!!!