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Monday, April 26, 2010

New to blogging

Hello everyone my name is Lee and this is a very new and exciting experience for me. I have never created a blog before and have just recently read a few of my own. Yeah I know I'm behind the curve and blogging is probably considered old news now. But just call me slow. I'm the type of guy who watches an old show that has been canceled after 2 or 3 years of being on the air and watching it in it's rerun production thinking this is a new show and it's the greatest show ever lol. But at any rate it is what it is. I'm not sure how the whole blog thing works at this point that's why I'm creating this intro page just to test it out. If all goes well and I am successful in creating this blog, you can look forward to more from me in the future. My blogs will include things that I am passionate about, things that are of concern to me, and things that I just want to share at that particular moment. So I hope you will come back and read more and feel free to give me your feedback. Last but not least, please note that I have additional pages on this site. Just click on the tabs above for the about me section, recipes, and family resource page. This site is still under construction so bear with me for the moment as I continue to make this site better.  Until then have a great day and I look forward to blogging more in the future.

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